10/11/2024 The day of great joy has arrived! "No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 1" is now available. Check Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music/iTunes and many more music stores to immediately feast your ears on these songs or do the clickly click below hear a preview.
The first installment starts with the hilarious Randy Newman song "Political Science". It didn't make it into Toy Story but I'm sure he was thinking "cartoon" when he wrote this song. The notion that we can "set everybody free" by blowing things up is indeed cartoon-ish. And I don't mean that in the good way.
The second song in Vol. 1 is my piano version of the Matt Hales (Aqualung) song "Brighter Than Sunshine" which I really like a lot for some reason. Probably the cool chromatic descending bit in the chorus but a delightful tune that sounds nice with just piano and voice.
From NoMuseIsBadNews.com: The series starts off with the song that got the whole thing started: Political Science. "I hadn't played Political Science in a while and went back to this live recording to see how I was playing it and was surprised that it was actually a pretty good take. I could think of at least two people who would like to hear it so I figured I'd ante up for the mechanical license and put it out but found over 20 other songs that were worth putting out as well. Sometimes it takes a few years to appreciate what you've done I guess. " - Bob