NMIBN Vol. 10 Five Songs We Send


No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 10 album cover

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To close out our first series, we're re-releasing 5 songs from the series that have been remastered to match the other songs: "Here There and Everywhere", "Changes", "Sunny Afternoon", "Alison" and "Bad Boy.

Like all of the songs in the series, Bob Sellon sings lead and plays the keyboards but these all include Ken Shano on guitar and vocals and Frank Sarcia on drums with bass guitar provided by Jim Fabiano as a Covid lockdown relief offering. And what fine bass guitar parts they are! Thank you Jim.

These 5 songs and all of the songs in the No Muse Is Bad News Vol 1-10 were mastered and edited by Tom Waltz of Waltz Mastering ( WaltzMastering.com ). Tom would love to make your next release sound wonderful.

For the full story, go to Bob's Vol. 10 page.

And, of course, visit BobSellon.com.

NMIBN Vol. 9 Is A Sign


Our first No Muse release for this week is our friend Bob Sellon and his friends' live+ version of the legendary Beatles song "Help", and no, we are not being held hostage by a crazy bunch of Beatles fans forcing us to release song after song after song after song by the Beatles and music like it. That's definitely not happening. No. We're all going to be fine.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 9 album cover

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The second song is not technically by the Beatles but was admired enough by them to do their own inspired version which Mr. Sellon and friends have used as a template, "You've Really Got A Hold On Me" was written by Smokey Robinson. "Help" was credited to Lennon and McCartney but was really one of Johns, and a great one at that.

We're using the term live+ (TM?) to indicate that the song was recorded live but had overdubs added to it. Said Mr. Sellon "It's live..but with overdubs.". Wow.

The aforementioned "friends" include Ken Shano who sang and played guitar and Frank Sarcia who worked the drums, both recorded live in the spring of 2015 with Bob. Bass guitar was offered postpartum by bassist Jim Fabiano proving that something positive can come out of being locked down for Covid.

For the full story, go to Bob's Vol. 9 page.

And, of course, visit BobSellon.com.

NMIBN Vol. 8 Awaits


A great pair of songs for your Thanksgiving meal inspired by the amazing Harry Nilsson: "Let The Good Times Roll" and "Gotta Get Up" which was written by Harry and performed by Stec Records recording artist Bob Sellon and friends at the 2015 music series.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 8 album cover

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Amazon Music

Said Bob "Yeah, it's amazing that we were able to have another copy of myself there to sing the harmony parts. You couldn't see him,..me, because like Jim Fabiano who played bass guitar, the other me was invisible. No, really. ". Oh? "We'd NEVER, ever, ever, ever alter an historical recording such as this..unless it made it sound better. ". Sellon would not divulge the technology used clone and cloak himself and a bass playing friend except to say that it had something to do with computers. Onlookers could not believe their eyes.

For the full story, go to Bob's Vol. 8 page.

And, of course, visit BobSellon.com.

NMIBN Vol. 7 has come to enrich your life


A couple of splendid songs for this week from Bob Sellon, Jump Up Behind Me (James Taylor) and Birds (Neil Young) which includes the accompaniment of Wendy Linkin on harmony vocals and acoustic guitar and Ken Shano who played electric guitar.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 7 album cover

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Visit BobSellon.com.

NMIBN Vol. 6 "Biggie" has landed


We've got an amazing Beatles medley this week, affectionately referred to as "Biggie" that includes the McCartney and Lennon (Beatles) songs You Never Give Me Your Money, Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight and The End performed by Bob Sellon with his friend Ken Shano live at a 2015 No Muse event. The cherry on top was a bass guitar part added during Covid lockdown by the amazing Jim Fabiano.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 6 album cover

found here:

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Apple Music

Visit BobSellon.com.

NMIBN Vol. 5 Arrives!


This week we have two great performances by Bob Sellon doing songs by Badfinger's Pete Ham: "Take It All" and "The Name Of The Game" from their "Straight Up" album.

Both songs were recorded live at the No Muse Is Bad News - Spring Music Series in 2015.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 5 album cover

found here:

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Apple Music

Visit BobSellon.com.

Vol. 4


No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 4 features performances of the song I'm Mandy. Fly Me and the song The World Ain't Slowing Down by Bob Sellon.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 4 album cover

"I'm Mandy. Fly Me", of course, was written by Eric Stewart, Graham Gouldman and Kevin Godley and originally released by their group at the time: 10cc. "The World Ain't Slowing Down" is a terrific song written by Ellis Paul immortalized in the movie "Me, Myself and Irene".

Both songs were recorded live at the No Muse Is Bad News - Spring Music Series in 2015 and contains no edits!

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Vol. 3


No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 3 album cover

As a special treat, our NMIBN (No Muse Is Bad News) releases this week feature two David Bowie songs performed by Bob Sellon: Oh! You Pretty Things and Life on Mars? at the Spring 2015 Music Series.

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Vol. 2


No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 2 album cover

Our second weekly release can be picked up on your favorite stores and streams today and features Stec Records recording artist Bob Sellon performing the Elton John/Bernie Taupin song Yellow Brick Road and the Justin Hayward (Moody Blues) song The Voice on his trusty Korg SV-1 keyboard and singing.

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Vol. 1


StecRecords.com is pleased to announce weekly releases from the No Muse Is Bad News archives running from October through the end of 2024 featuring unreleased performances by our own Bob Sellon in a rare series of piano performances recorded in 2015.

No Muse Is Bad News Vol. 1 album cover

The series begins with the song that started the project rolling: Political Science. "I hadn't played Political Science in a while and went back to this live recording to see how I was playing it and was surprised that it was actually a pretty good take. I could think of at least two people who would like to hear it so I figured I'd ante up for the mechanical license and put it out but found over 20 other songs that were worth putting out as well. Sometimes it takes a few years to appreciate what you've done I guess. " - Bob

The satirical Political Science was, of course, written by the wonderful Randy Newman rendered by the tragically untrained "pianist" Bob but sure to make you smile (and maybe not be inclined to bomb other countries to solve problems).

Brighter Than Sunshine is a silly love song but Bob kicks it out a little bit on vocals. Like most of the releases to come, this is a stark recording of Bob singing and playing the piano [keyboards] before a small audience. Enjoy!

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Stec Records